1. Install the Telegram app from one of the buttons below (depends on your device).
    Or, download the Telegram app from Play Store / App Store .
    点击以下按钮以安装 Telegram 程序 (需根据您的手机系统)。
    或者,从 Play Store / App Store 自行下载及安装.

  2. After installed successfully, proceed to register a new account with Telegram.
  3. Go to https://t.me/Lori66_Bot.
    点击前往 https://t.me/Lori66_Bot
  4. Telegram app will automatically pop up with a new window like below. Tap on Start button at the bottom of the screen.
    Telegram 程序会自动跳出新窗口。点击荧幕下方的 Start 按钮。

  5. You will be prompt to select your preferred language. Tap on one of the buttons given.

  6. Then, you will be prompt to share your contact number for the registration with us. Tap on the button "Share my Phone Number".
    And then tap on "Share Contact" when the confirmation pops up.
    然后,系统将提示您分享手机号码。点击 “分享我的号码”。
    当系统跳出确认窗口,请点击 "Share Contact".

  7. The registration is done. You can always use "/help" to check the available features.
    您已完成注册。您可以随时发送 "/help" 来检视可用指令。

Important Note: You will no longer receive any receipts via SMS after you registered Telegram with us.
重要提示: 当您已完成以上 Telegram 注册,我司将不会再以SMS方式发送收据给您。